A Zircon Crash Course

This document is a Crash Course to get you familiar with the concepts which are essential if you want to work with Zircon.

DrawSurfaces Tiles and TileComposites

Zircon is all about drawing stuff on the screen so it is not a surprise that the core interfaces revolve around this concept.

A good analogy for the DrawSurface is a piece of paper. It is something which you can draw stuff on and it looks like this:

// Something to draw on, just like a piece of paper
interface DrawSurface : Clearable, TileComposite, TilesetOverride {

    fun draw(
        tile: Tile,
        drawPosition: Position
    // ^^^--- this draws a Tile at a given Position

    fun draw(
        tileComposite: TileComposite,
        drawPosition: Position
    // ^^^--- this draws an arbitrary TileComposite at a given Position


There are some new concepts in the above example: Tile, TileComposite and Position.

TileComposite is an object composed of Tiles which you can draw onto a DrawSurface. For example when you are writing a letter to someone you are writing letters onto a piece of paper. In this analogy a Tile is a single character in your letter. It looks like this:

interface TileComposite : Sizeable {

    val tiles: Map<Position, Tile>

    fun getTileAt(position: Position): Maybe<Tile>

As you can see it contains a Map of Tiles at given Positions and a way to query them.

Maybe is a special object and you will see it throughout Zircon. It is very similar to Optional in Java. We use Maybe to denote something which might or might not be present. In DrawSurface for example it is possible that there is no Tile at a given Position. In this case an empty Maybe is returned.

A Position is where you draw. For example when you use a text editor you write characters after each other and when you press [Enter] a new line starts. That’s why we have Position:

interface Position : Comparable<Position> {
    val x: Int
    val y: Int

The interfaces you can see DrawSurface implementing above are called behaviors. They are very similar to mixins in other languages. You can find more of them in this package.

Zircon has interfaces for each behavior which is reused in other Zircon components, so here they perform the following jobs:

This makes both the development and use of Zircon much easier, since these behaviors can be combined in any way to get different results but the terms used will stay the same throughout the system. This also makes the code more testable since there is (usually) only one implementation for each behavior which is used by all components.


TileGraphics is a specialization of DrawSurface and it is used as the core abstraction for manipulating tiles throughout Zircon:

interface TileGraphics : Copiable<TileGraphics>, DrawSurface {

    fun toSubTileGraphics(rect: Rect): TileGraphics

    fun toLayer(offset: Position = Position.zero()): Layer

    fun toResized(newSize: Size): TileGraphics

    fun toResized(newSize: Size, filler: Tile): TileGraphics

As you can see a TileGraphics can be copied and it contains some factory methods which you can use to derive other DrawSurfaces such as Layers and sub tile graphics objects. The former is explained here, the latter is an object which can be used as a “window” over a TileGraphics which will constrain read/write operations positionally on the underlying TileGraphics object.

Let’s create an actual TileGraphics:

TileGraphics graphics = DrawSurfaces.tileGraphicsBuilder()
        .withSize(10, 10)

So what happens here? Let’s see:

  1. We create a new builder for our TileGraphics
  2. We set its size to 10x10
  3. We fill it with the x character
  4. We use the REXPaint16x16 tileset for it
  5. And we finally create an actual instance of the TileGraphics

Note that in Zircon there is a helper class for every object which you might want to create and for ease of use it is named after the object it creates.

Now we have a TileGraphics but what is all that stuff about colors, styles and modifiers?

Colors, StyleSets, Modifiers

Objects like Tiles or TileGraphicss can have foreground and background colors. You can either use the ANSITileColor enum to pick a pre-defined TileColor or you can create a new one by using the factory methods in TileColor. This class has some useful factory methods for this like: fromRGB and fromString. The latter can be called with simple CSS-like strings (eg: #334455).

When working with Tiles apart from giving them color you might want to apply some special Modifier to them like UNDERLINE or VERTICAL_FLIP. You can do this by picking the right Modifier from the Modifiers class. You can set any number of Modifiers to each Tile individually.

If you don’t want to set all these by hand or you want to have a template and use it to give a consistent style to multiple things you can use a StyleSet which is basically a Value Object which holds fore/background colors and modifiers.

Now that we got the basics out of the way, let’s see how we can put some actual stuff on the screen.

Applications, AppConfigs and TileGrids

For drawing things on your screen Zircon has the TileGrid. This provides you with a surface on which you can draw Tiles, TileGraphicss and basically anything which is TileComposite:

interface TileGrid
    : AnimationRunner, Clearable, DrawSurface, Layerable,
              ShutdownHook, TypingSupport, UIEventSource, ViewContainer {

    val widthInPixels: Int
        get() = currentTileset().width * width

    val heightInPixels: Int
        get() = currentTileset().height * height


Again, we have a very simple interface and a bunch of behaviors which make a TileGrid a TileGrid:

  • AnimationRunner adds the functionality to put Animations on the grid. More about Animations here.
  • Clearable lets you clear the graphics. This means setting all its tiles to an empty tile
  • DrawSurface is something you know by now
  • Layerable lets you put multiple layers on your screen. With this you can have overlays, effects, and that kind of stuff. Layering is explained in depth in its own chapter here.
  • ShutdownHook gives you the ability to listen to a shutdown event. (eg: when the user closes the screen) This is abstracted away from the actual underlying system (like Swing or LibGDX).
  • TypingSupport adds putCharacter and putTile to the mix and acts as if you were typing on the screen (from left to right, and then top to bottom).
  • UIEventSource emits all the inputs which were received from the underlying GUI framework as Zircon input events. This means that you don’t have to know how input handling works in Swing or LibGDX, Zircon takes care of this for you.
  • ViewContainer adds support for Views.

As you can see TileGrid is very similar to TileGraphics but there is a very important difference: what you draw on a TileGrid is immediately visible on your screen. It is the end of the line, where all TileComposite go to become visible on your screen.

It also comes with functionality that you can use to interact with the underlying GUI system. You don’t need to worry about how the actual GUI system works, the TileGrids job is to abstract all that away and give you a clean interface.

This seems like a lot of things to do at once so you might ask “How is this SOLID?”. Zircon solves this problem with composition: All of the above mentioned behaviors are handled by an object within a TileGrid which is responsible for only one thing. For example TileGrid implements the Layerable interface and internally all operations defined by it are delegated to an object which implements Layerable only. You can peruse these here. In this sense you can consider a TileGrid as a Facade.

Creating a TileGrid

This is all very nice, but how do I create a TileGrid? How come it is drawn on my screen without me needing to do anything? That’s because an Application takes care of all that for you:

TileGrid tileGrid = SwingApplications.startTileGrid(                        // 1
        AppConfig.newBuilder()                                              // 2
                .withSize(10, 10)                                           // 3
                .withDefaultTileset(CP437TilesetResources.rexPaint16x16())  // 4

In the above example we:

  1. Create a new Swing-backed Application
  2. Creates a configuration for that application
  3. Sets the size of the window to be 10x10
  4. Sets the tileset to be used to REXPaint16x16

So what’s an Application anyway? In short an Application is responsible for rendering the contents of a TileGrid on the screen continuously and delegating all events, and actions which are coming from the underlying GUI system to the TileGrid. It looks like this:

interface Application {

    val tileGrid: TileGrid

    fun start()

    fun pause()

    fun resume()

    fun stop()

Now we have come full circle: we have a TileGrid and it is displayed on the screen. What else is there which is essential for doing actual work with Zircon?


A Layer is a specialized TileGraphics which can be drawn upon a Layerable object (a TileGrid for example). A Layer differs from a TileGraphics in the way it is handled. It can be repositioned relative to its parent while a TileGraphics can only be drawn. Both Layers and TileGraphics objects are in-memory objects which are drawn only when the underlying Layerable object is drawn.

Using the previous analogy with the sheet of paper: when you draw a TileGraphics onto a TileGrid is like when you take a look at a piece of paper and copy its contents onto another piece of paper.

Layers and Layerables are like putting multiple transparent sheets over an overhead projector.

Zircon supports transparency, so this analogy is rather apt here.


Screens are in-memory TileGrids. They have an internal representation of a grid and support all functionality which is provided by one. They wrap your actual TileGrid and come with a display function which makes their contents visible.

Multiple Screens can be attached to the same TileGrid object which means that you can have more than one screen in your app and you can switch between them simultaneously by using the display method. Note that only one Screen can be displayed on the actual screen at the same time. With Screens you can implement the View part of the Model-View-Controller pattern.

Screens also let you use Components like Buttons and Panels. This is how the Screen interface looks like:

interface Screen : ComponentContainer, Themeable, TileGrid {

    fun display()


Pretty straightforward.

If you are interested in how components work then this documentation page can help you.


This concludes the Zircon crash course. If you feel that you want a better understanding of some of these concepts take a look around the documentation.

If you want to read more about the design philosophy behind Zircon check this page on documentation!

If you are a practical person and you understand things from examples check out the code examples.

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