How To Make a Roguelike: #8 Combat and Damage

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We already have monsters in our game but hitting them just results in an instagib. Now we’re going to improve this by adding real combat to our game!

Our Fight Club

How combat works is a central question in most games having it. This tutorial is not about game design though so we’ll go with a very simple model: the damage amount is a random number from 1 to the attacker’s attack value minus the defenders defense value. We know the drill, so let’s create an Attribute first which will hold our CombatStats:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes

import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.base.BaseAttribute
import org.hexworks.cobalt.databinding.api.extension.createPropertyFrom

data class CombatStats(
    val maxHpProperty: Property<Int>,                                           // 1
    val hpProperty: Property<Int> = createPropertyFrom(maxHpProperty.value),    // 2
    val attackValueProperty: Property<Int>,
    val defenseValueProperty: Property<Int>
) : BaseAttribute() {                               // 3

    val maxHp: Int by maxHpProperty.asDelegate()    // 4
    var hp: Int by hpProperty.asDelegate()          // 5
    val attackValue: Int by attackValueProperty.asDelegate()
    val defenseValue: Int by defenseValueProperty.asDelegate()

    companion object {

        fun create(maxHp: Int, hp: Int = maxHp, attackValue: Int, defenseValue: Int) =  // 6
                maxHpProperty = createPropertyFrom(maxHp),
                hpProperty = createPropertyFrom(hp),
                attackValueProperty = createPropertyFrom(attackValue),
                defenseValueProperty = createPropertyFrom(defenseValue)

Wait, what is this Property thing? A Property wraps a value and augments it with features like data binding and the ability to listen to its changes. We’ll take a look at these features soon enough!

Here we

  1. Take the maximum health as a property
  2. And we set the initial health to be equal to it
  3. We implement Attribute as usual
  4. asDelegate needs some explanation: it uses the by keyword to delegate fetching the value of the above fields (maxHp, hp, attackValue and defenseValue) to the respective properties. I’ve written about the topic of delegation here if you’re interested. The TL;DR is that Property has a getValue and a setValue function so it can be used to represent a field like maxHp
  5. hp is a var because we’re going to change it when damage is taken
  6. It is quite common to have factory methods on classes like this. We need it here because by using it we keep the logic which is necessary for creating CombatStats within the class so its users will just have to supply the necessary parameters and nothing else

Now let’s create a new interface which will be used by our Combatants:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.CombatStats
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.EntityType

interface Combatant : EntityType                    // 1

val GameEntity<Combatant>.combatStats: CombatStats  // 2
    get() = findAttribute(CombatStats::class).get()

So why did we do this?

  1. First, this interface extends EntityType so we can use it to mark any Entity we create later on as a Combatant which lets us write
  2. the extension property combatStats which just fetches the CombatStats of a GameEntity which has the EntityType Combatant.

This code above is useful because our code handling combat can be much more expressive. Instead of having to do entity.findAttribute(CombatStats::Class).get() every time we want to access CombatStats we can just do entity.combatStats which is more readable. We’ll see how this works soon but until then let’s make our player and the fungus a Combatant:

object Player : BaseEntityType(
    name = "player"
), Combatant

object Fungus : BaseEntityType(
    name = "fungus"
), Combatant

As we’ve previously added Attack let’s see how that will change to incorporate our new Combatant type:

// add these to Attack

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Combatant

data class Attack(
    override val context: GameContext,
    override val source: GameEntity<Combatant>,
    override val target: GameEntity<Combatant>
) : EntityAction<Combatant, Combatant>

Oh wait! Attack will only work with entities which are Combatants, so we can use our extension property!

So now we have to take a look at how our Attackable Facet will change. First let’s think about what would happen if we just add this Facet to all our entities which can get into combat…yep, they would attack each other, not just the player so first let’s create an extension property on AnyGameEntity so it is easy for us to determine the EntityType:

// add this to EntityExtensions.kt

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Player

val AnyGameEntity.isPlayer: Boolean
    get() = this.type == Player

Another useful thing our Combatants can report about themselves is whether they are ready to be destroyed (eg: their health is equal to or below zero). This can also be added to all Combatant entities:

// put this in EntityExtensions.kt

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.combatStats
import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Combatant

fun GameEntity<Combatant>.hasNoHealthLeft(): Boolean = combatStats.hp <= 0

One final thing to add before we modify Attackable is a new message, Destroy which “asks” an Entity do destroy itself if the combat system determines that it is time to go:

Why are we separating destruction? The reason is that there are a bunch of use cases when this is useful. One of them is having an invulnerability potion or an indestructible perk which will prevent an Entity from being destroyed even in the most dire circumstances (like reaching zero hp). More on this later!

package com.example.cavesofzircon.messages

import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameMessage
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.EntityType

data class Destroy(
    override val context: GameContext,
    override val source: GameEntity<EntityType>, // 1
    val target: GameEntity<EntityType>,          // 2
    val cause: String = "natural causes."
) : GameMessage                                  // 3

  1. source is the destroyer
  2. target is the Entity being destroyed
  3. we also supply a cause which tells us why the Entity is being destroyed.

Note that we’re not dealing with Combatants here! The reason is that it is possible to destroy something without combat. Think about having a spell like Annihilate which will just erase something from existence.

With the new things in place Attackable will look like this:


import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.combatStats
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.hasNoHealthLeft
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.isPlayer
import com.example.cavesofzircon.messages.Attack
import com.example.cavesofzircon.messages.Destroy
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Consumed
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Pass
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Response
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.base.BaseFacet
import kotlin.math.max

object Attackable : BaseFacet<GameContext, Attack>(Attack::class) {

    override suspend fun receive(message: Attack): Response {
        val (context, attacker, target) = message

        return if (attacker.isPlayer || target.isPlayer) { // 1

            val damage = max(0, attacker.combatStats.attackValue - target.combatStats.defenseValue)    // 2
            val finalDamage = (Math.random() * damage).toInt() + 1  // 3
            target.combatStats.hp -= finalDamage                    // 4

            if (target.hasNoHealthLeft()) {         // 5
                    Destroy(                        // 6
                        context = context,
                        source = attacker,
                        target = target,
                        cause = "a blow to the head"
            Consumed                                // 7
        } else Pass

This is how it works:

  1. First we make sure that either the attacker or the target is a player so monsters won’t kill each other
  2. We calculate the damage. We can do this without fetching Attributes manually because source and target in Attack are Combatants.
  3. We add 1 to damage to calculate the finalDamage to make sure that there are no super-strong entities we have no hope of damaging
  4. When the finalDamage is determined we just decrement the hp of the target
  5. And when it has no health left
  6. We try to Destroy it
  7. Then we return Consumed or Pass if no player was involved

Now let’s see the CombatStats we’re gonna give to the player and the fungus:

// modify EntityFactory.kt with these

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.CombatStats

// add this to the player entity's attributes
    maxHp = 100,
    attackValue = 10,
    defenseValue = 5
// and this to the fungus entity's attributes        
    maxHp = 10,
    attackValue = 0,
    defenseValue = 0

So our player has 100 max hp, 10 attack and 5 defense value. Our fungus can’t attack so it only has hp, which is 10. Let’s keep it simple for now.

Now if we start the game and attack something…then nothing happens. This is because no one handles Destroy yet! Let’s add Destructible:


import com.example.cavesofzircon.messages.Destroy
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Consumed
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Response
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.base.BaseFacet

object Destructible : BaseFacet<GameContext, Destroy>(Destroy::class) {
    override suspend fun receive(message: Destroy): Response {
        val (context, _, target) = message
        return Consumed

and make fungus have it

// modify EntityFactory.kt with these


// add this to the fungus entity:
facets(Attackable, Destructible)

Now if we start up our game we can see that the fungi are dying a bit more slowly:

Real combat

Logging combat messages

Fighting fungi is pure fun but we don’t really know what happens when we bump them. Let’s start using the LogArea which we’ve added to our PlayView. There is a question though: how do we have access to it from our entities? We could put it into the GameContext but then it will start to grow until it becomes a god object having a reference to everything. We can be smarter than that by using Zircon’s EventBus instead. This is how it is going to work:

  1. We create an event object which holds our game messages
  2. We start listening to that event in our PlayView
  3. We send that message whenever something important happens in our game

Let’s start by adding an Event:



data class GameLogEvent(
    val text: String,
    override val emitter: Any
) : Event

Using the EventBus supplied by Zircon is a good idea when we want to bridge the gap between the game world handled by Amethyst and the UI itself which is managed by Zircon. Note that emitter here will represent the object that sent the message. This is necessary for the EventBus to prevent infinite event loops.

Now let’s add a global function with which we can send game log events:

// put this in a file called Functions.kt
package com.example.cavesofzircon.functions

import org.hexworks.zircon.internal.Zircon

fun logGameEvent(text: String, emitter: Any) {                    // 1
    Zircon.eventBus.publish(GameLogEvent(text, emitter))          // 2

Here we

  1. Create a global function which can be accessed from anywhere
  2. And send a GameLogEvent using Zircon’s EventBus with the given text

Now let’s augment Attackable:

import com.example.cavesofzircon.functions.logGameEvent

target.combatStats.hp -= finalDamage

logGameEvent("The $attacker hits the $target for $finalDamage!", Attackable)

and Destructible with some funky log messages:

// modify Attackable with these

import com.example.cavesofzircon.functions.logGameEvent

object Destructible : BaseFacet<GameContext, Destroy>(Destroy::class) {
    override suspend fun receive(message: Destroy): Response {
        val (context, _, target, cause) = message
        logGameEvent("$target dies after receiving $cause.", Destructible)
        return Consumed

Now we just have to start listening to GameLogEvent in our PlayView to make this work:

import org.hexworks.zircon.internal.Zircon

// add this to the end of the init block
Zircon.eventBus.subscribeTo<GameLogEvent> { (text) ->   // 1
    logArea.addParagraph(                               // 2
        paragraph = text,
        withNewLine = false,                            // 3
        withTypingEffectSpeedInMs = 10                  // 4
    KeepSubscription                                    // 5

Note that for this to work you might have to add this to build.gradle.kts. It’s because by default the JVM target is 1.6 and some advanced features won’t work with that. Don’t forget to also click “Reload all Gradle projects” on the Gradle tab as well:

import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile

val compileKotlin: KotlinCompile by tasks
compileKotlin.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString()

Here we:

  1. subscribe to the GameLogEvent message.
  2. We add a paragraph to our LogArea
  3. Without adding a new line
  4. But with some funky typing effect!
  5. We also have to make sure that the listener isn’t unsubscribed after receiving an event. If you want to do that just return DisposeSubscription instead of KeepSubscription.

Let’s see it in action:

Log messages

Well, that’s really funky!


In this article we added real combat with combat stats and also learned how to use extension properties and generic type parameters to our advantage. We also started using Zircon’s eventing capabilities to greatly simplify how we interact with the UI to display messages!

In the next article we’re going to create some stairs we can use to climb further down to the depths of our dungeon!

Until then go forth and kode on!

The code of this article can be found in commit #8.

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