How To Make a Roguelike: #4 The Player

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With our cave in place the next thing to do is to add a Player to move around the cave. For this we’ll use Amethyst, a very simple ECS(ish) library.

Introducing Amethyst

Amethyst is a small library that enables you to modularize your application by letting you decompose them into Systems, Entities and Attributes in an easy-to-use manner. It is similar to anEntity Component System but it is a bit different in some important aspects.

The core abstraction in Amethyst is the Entity that encapsulates the internal state of our business objects and also their related operations. By using this concept we can maintain the Cohesion of our business objects while still retaining the flexibility.

So how does this work?, you might ask. Let’s take a look at a simple example.

Systems, Entities, Attributes

Let’s say that we’re creating a game with mythical creatures, and we want to add a goblin to our game. If we think about how things can behave and change over time we can conclude, that there are essentially two ways: internal, and external. For example a goblin can decide that it wants to explore a dungeon, or just take a look around (internal change), or the player can decide to bash the goblin to a pulpy mass with their club (external change). For this Amethyst has Systems in place:

 * A [System] is responsible for updating the internal state of an [Entity].
 * The internal state is represented by [Attribute]s.
interface System<C : Context>

There are several types of Systems, and for our discussion here we need to know about Behavior:

 * A [Behavior] is a [System] that performs autonomous actions whenever
 * [update] is called on them.
interface Behavior<C : Context> : System<C>

that lets our goblin interact with the world and Facet:

 * A [Facet] is a [System] that performs actions based on the [Message] they receive.
 * Each [Facet] only accepts a single type of [Message] of type [M]. This enforces
 * that facets adhere to the *Single Responsibility Principle*.
interface Facet<C : Context, M : Message<C>> : System<C>

that lets whe world interact with our goblin.

There is also Actor which combines Facet and Behavior. We’ll talk about it later.

When changes happen over time to an entity (our goblin in this example) its state might change. To represent this, Amethyst gives us Attributes:

 * An [Attribute] represents metadata about an entity that can change over time.
interface Attribute

An Attribute can be anything that you add to your entity, from health points to stomach contents. What’s important is that Attributes should never have behavior, they are supposed to be dumb data structures.

On the other hand, Systems should never have internal state. These two important rules allow us to compose Systems and Attributes into Entity objects that are flexible, cohesive and safe to use.

The Entity itself is just a bag of Attributes and Systems:

interface Entity<T : EntityType, C : Context> : AttributeAccessor, FacetAccessor<C>, BehaviorAccessor<C> {
    val id: UUID
    val type: T
    val name: String
    val description: String

    val attributes: Sequence<Attribute>
    val behaviors: Sequence<Behavior<C>>
    val facets: Sequence<FacetWithContext<C>>

    suspend fun sendMessage(message: Message<C>): Boolean

    suspend fun receiveMessage(message: Message<C>): Response

    suspend fun update(context: C): Boolean

What’s interesting here is sendMessage, receiveMessage and update. It is not a coincidence that we have these in Facet and Behavior! When an Entity receives a Message it will try to apply it to its Facets, and when an Entity is updated it lets its Behaviors interact with the world. What world means in this context is up to you, that’s why update takes a context object which can be anything. In our case it will contain our World for example.

Don’t worry if this seems a bit complex, we’ll see soon that the benefits of using such system outweigh the costs.

So how do these entities work together? We have Engine for that which handles them, so we don’t have to do it by hand:

interface Engine<T : Context> {

     * Adds the given [Entity] to this [Engine].
    fun addEntity(entity: Entity<out EntityType, T>)

     * Removes the given [Entity] from this [Engine].
    fun removeEntity(entity: Entity<out EntityType, T>)

     * Updates the [Entity] objects in this [Engine] with the given [context].
    fun update(context: T): Job

As you can see the Engine is responsible for handling all your Entity objects and also for updating them. We’ll take a look at how this works in practice below, so prepare your keyboard!

Adding Amethyst to our Project

In order to work with Amethyst we need to add it as a dependency to our project. When using a build tool like Gradle adding a library is much easier. Instead of downloading it by hand and copying the .jar file into a libs folder we just modify our build.gradle.kts file’s dependencies block like this:


In order for this to work we also need to load the version from so we add it at the top of build.gradle.kts next to Zircon:

val amethyst_version: String by project

The version itself goes into


Now this will work if you compile your code with ./gradlew clean build, but we will also need to tell IDEA that something changed. On the right hand side there is a tab with the name Gradle. Click it, then click the “Reload all Gradle Projects” button. This should take care of our problem:

Reload Gradle.

Troubleshooting IDEA

At some point you’ll run into problems when using IDEA. What you’ll see is that the code looks good, but when you start it from idea it won’t work. IDEA sometimes gets confused and we have to fix it.

The first step is to check what happens if we compile our program. We can do this by running the build from the CLI then starting the game:

./gradlew clean build && java -jar build/libs/caves-of-zircon.jar

If this starts the game properly, then the problem is with IDEA. If not, there is a PEBKAC situation. These are the things we can try to do in the former case:

  1. Restart IDEA
  2. Refresh the Gradle project (screenshot above)
  3. Run a clean build (./gradlew clean build)
  4. In the File dropdown click Invalidate Caches and Restart
  5. Delete the out folder (if it exists)

Hope this helps!

Enhancing our Game

The main goal of this tutorial session is to add a player to our Game which we can use to explore the dungeon, remember?

For this we’re going to need a player Entity and a context object which is used when updating the game world. The Context object is straightforward:


import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Context
import org.hexworks.zircon.api.screen.Screen
import org.hexworks.zircon.api.uievent.UIEvent

data class GameContext(
    val world: World,           // 1
    val screen: Screen,         // 2
    val uiEvent: UIEvent,       // 3
    val player: GameEntity<Player>
) : Context                     // 4

What we need for an update is:

  1. The world itself
  2. The Screen object which we can use to open dialogs and interact with the UI in general
  3. The UIEvent which caused the update of the world (a key press for example)
  4. The object representing the player. This is optional, but because we use the player in a lot of places it makes sense to add it here

Wait, what is this funky <Player> thing? It is called generics which is supported by Kotlin. In case if you come from a dynamically typed language like Python this can be hard to grasp at first. I recommend reading about generics in general here and about Kotlin generics here.

Quick Detour: Typealiases and Extension Functions

You can read up on type aliases here and extension functions here if you need more information on the topic.

We’re going to use a typealias soon. Let’s explore what is a typealias and why is it useful!

A typealias can be used to give names (aliases) to otherwise complex or hard to read types. For example in our game we will only use a single Context object which is GameContext so it makes sense to pre-fill the second generic type parameter for Entity with our GameContext type so we don’t have to type it out every time:

typealias GameEntity<T> = Entity<T, GameContext>

What’s good is that we can now use GameEntity in our code anywhere where we would have used Entity<T, GameContext>. One advantage of this is that our code gets more readable. This is a good thing in itself but there is another reason to use typealias which we’re going to exploit. We can define extension functions on type aliases! This means that this code is perfectly valid:

fun GameContext.doSomething() {
    // do something

We’ll use this in the future for our advantage.

Note that typealias doesn’t create a new type. It is just syntactic sugar.

Creating our First Entity

So what’s a GameEntity and Player? Let’s take a look at them:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions

// put this in a file called TypeAliases.kt

import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.Entity
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.EntityType

typealias AnyGameEntity = GameEntity<EntityType>

typealias GameEntity<T> = Entity<T, GameContext>

Now we can also fix GameContext with the following imports:

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Player
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity

Here we define GameEntity that is used to represent an Entity which uses our GameContext type parameter, and also AnyGameEntity which can be used to define functions later for all objects which are our game entities.

Player is an EntityType:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types

import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.base.BaseEntityType

object Player : BaseEntityType(
    name = "player"

Each Entity in Amethyst must have an EntityType. This is necessary for easy identification of Entity objects. It looks like this:

interface EntityType : Attribute {

    val name: String

    val description: String

It is just a name and a description, and this type will also be added to our Entity as an Attribute later on. We used the BaseEntityType base class as you can see in the above code which is handy if we don’t want to type much.

There are some more things which our player needs. In fact all of our game entities will need them: a position and a tile!

Let’s create our first Attributes now, EntityPosition and EntityTile!

EntityPosition will hold the current position of an Entity:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes

import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.base.BaseAttribute
import org.hexworks.cobalt.databinding.api.extension.toProperty

class EntityPosition(
    initialPosition: Position3D = Position3D.unknown()
) : BaseAttribute() { // 1

    private val positionProperty = initialPosition.toProperty() // 2

    var position: Position3D by positionProperty.asDelegate() // 3

This is just a few lines of code, but there are some new concepts introduced here:

  1. We add initialPosition as a constructor parameter to our class and its default value is unknown. What’s this? Position3D comes from Zircon and can be used to represent a point in 3D space (as we have discussed before), and unknown impelments the Null Object Pattern for us.
  2. Here we create a private Property from the initialPosition. What’s a Property you might ask? Well, it is used for data binding. A Property is a wrapper for a value that can change over time. It can be bound to other Property objects so their values change together and you can also add change listeners to them. Property comes from the Cobalt library we use and it works in a very similar way as properties work in JavaFX.
  3. We create a Kotlin delegate from our Property. This means that position will be accessible to the outside world as if it was a simple field, but it takes its value from our Property under the hood. I’ve written more about delegation here if you want more information on the topic.

EntityTile is an Attribute which holds the Tile of an Entity we use to display it in our world:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes

import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.base.BaseAttribute

data class EntityTile(val tile: Tile = Tile.empty()) : BaseAttribute()

We are using Tile.empty() as a default value here.

Now we’re going to employ a little Kotlin trick and create some properties on AnyGameObject that will supply the position and tile of any of our entities!

package com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions

import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.EntityPosition
import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.EntityTile
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Attribute
import kotlin.reflect.KClass

var AnyGameEntity.position                                          // 1
    get() = tryToFindAttribute(EntityPosition::class).position      // 2
    set(value) {                                                    // 3
        findAttribute(EntityPosition::class).map {
            it.position = value

val AnyGameEntity.tile: Tile
    get() = this.tryToFindAttribute(EntityTile::class).tile

                                                                    // 4
fun <T : Attribute> AnyGameEntity.tryToFindAttribute(klass: KClass<T>): T = findAttribute(klass).orElseThrow {
    NoSuchElementException("Entity '$this' has no property with type '${klass.simpleName}'.")

Here we

  1. Create an extension property (works the same way as an extension function) on AnyGameEntity.
  2. Define a getter for it which tries to find the EntityPosition attribute in our Entity and throws and exception if the Entity has no position.
  3. We also define a setter for it which sets the Property we defined before
  4. Define a function which implements the “try to find or throw an exception” logic for both of our properties.

Typealiases, extension properties…why do we employ all this magic? If you have used an ECS library before you might have had the feeling that working with them is cumbersome and the resulting program won’t be readable in a way that it expresses the intent properly. What we do here is plumbing which we can use later to write actual game code which is readable and easy to understand. In other words this is the same concept as Plumbing and Porcelain in Git.

With this change now we can easily access the position and tile of any of our entities like this:


This makes reading and writing code which works with entities much easier.

So far so good, but we still don’t see the player! Let’s create a Tile for the player and a factory object for creating entities now.

For the player Tile we’re going to add a nice color to GameColors:

val ACCENT_COLOR = TileColor.fromString("#FFCD22")

and the tile itself to GameTileRepository:

// don't forget the proper imports!

val PLAYER = Tile.newBuilder()

For creating the actual player Entity we’ll have a factory object:


import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.EntityPosition
import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.EntityTile
import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Player
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.builder.EntityBuilder
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.EntityType
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.newEntityOfType

fun <T : EntityType> newGameEntityOfType(
    type: T,
    init: EntityBuilder<T, GameContext>.() -> Unit
) = newEntityOfType(type, init)                          // 1

object EntityFactory {                                   // 2

    fun newPlayer() = newGameEntityOfType(Player) {      // 3
        attributes(EntityPosition(), EntityTile(PLAYER)) // 4

If you are wondering what the dot (.) means in this funky code: EntityBuilder<T, GameContext>.() -> Unit then read on the topic of receivers here. The TL;DR is that this init function we pass will be run in the context of an EntityBuilder, eg: this will be bound to it, just like in our extension functions we created earlier.

We’re going to use EntityFactory in the future to create all our Entity objects. What happens here is:

  1. We add a function which calls Entities.newEntityOfType and pre-fills the generic type parameter for Context with GameContext.
  2. We define our factory as an object since we’ll only ever have a single instance of it.
  3. We add a function for creating a newPlayer and call newGameEntityOfType with our previously created Player type.
  4. We specify our Attributes, Behaviors and Facets. We only have Attributes so far though.

Firing up the Engine

So now that we have the means of creating Entity objects we’re going to put the Engine somewhere which will take care of them. For now this will belong to World. We’ll also enable our GameBlocks to hold onto entities since most of the time we’ll be interested in checking whether a given block has an Entity or not. Let’s take a look at what we’ll need to change:

The GameBlock now contains entities:

package com.example.cavesofzircon.blocks

import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.tile
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentMapOf
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.EntityType

class GameBlock(
    private var defaultTile: Tile = FLOOR,
    private val currentEntities: MutableList<GameEntity<EntityType>> = mutableListOf(),  // 1
) : BaseBlock<Tile>(
    emptyTile = Tile.empty(),
    tiles = persistentMapOf(BlockTileType.CONTENT to defaultTile)
) {

    val isFloor: Boolean
        get() = defaultTile == FLOOR

    val isWall: Boolean
        get() = defaultTile == WALL

    val isEmptyFloor: Boolean                                       // 2
        get() = currentEntities.isEmpty()

    val entities: Iterable<GameEntity<EntityType>>                  // 3
        get() = currentEntities.toList()

    fun addEntity(entity: GameEntity<EntityType>) {                 // 4

    fun removeEntity(entity: GameEntity<EntityType>) {              // 5

    private fun updateContent() {                                   // 6
        val entityTiles = { it.tile }
        content = when {
            entityTiles.contains(PLAYER) -> PLAYER                  // 7
            entityTiles.isNotEmpty() -> entityTiles.first()         // 8
            else -> defaultTile                                     // 9

If you are puzzled by what these get()s are in the code then feel free to peruse the relevant documentation page. We’ll use getters like this throughout the tutorial.

What we changed is:

  1. We added currentEntities which is just a mutable list of Entity objects which is empty by default
  2. We add a property which tells whether this block is just a floor (similar to isWall)
  3. Exposed a getter for entities which takes a snapshot (defensive copy) of the current entities and returns them. We do this because we don’t want to expose the internals of GameBlock which would make currentEntities mutable to the outside world
  4. We expose a function for adding an Entity to our block
  5. And also for removing one
  6. Incorporated our entities to how we display a block by
  7. Checking if the player is at this block. If yes it is displayed on top
  8. Otherwise the first Entity is displayed if present
  9. Or the default tile if not

In our World class we’re going to need to add functions for adding entities, and also for finding empty positions where we can add them. The upgraded World class looks like this:


import com.example.cavesofzircon.blocks.GameBlock
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.position
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.Engine
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.Entity
import org.hexworks.amethyst.api.entity.EntityType
import org.hexworks.cobalt.datatypes.Maybe

class World(
    startingBlocks: Map<Position3D, GameBlock>,
    visibleSize: Size3D,
    actualSize: Size3D
) : GameArea<Tile, GameBlock> by GameAreaBuilder.newBuilder<Tile, GameBlock>()
    .build() {

    private val engine: Engine<GameContext> = Engine.create()   // 1

    init {
        startingBlocks.forEach { (pos, block) ->
            setBlockAt(pos, block)
            block.entities.forEach { entity ->
                engine.addEntity(entity)                        // 2
                entity.position = pos                           // 3

     * Adds the given [Entity] at the given [Position3D].
     * Has no effect if this world already contains the
     * given [Entity].
     */                                                         // 4
    fun addEntity(entity: Entity<EntityType, GameContext>, position: Position3D) {
        entity.position = position
        fetchBlockAt(position).map {

    fun addAtEmptyPosition(
        entity: GameEntity<EntityType>,                         // 5
        offset: Position3D = Position3D.create(0, 0, 0),
        size: Size3D = actualSize
    ): Boolean {
        return findEmptyLocationWithin(offset, size).fold(
            whenEmpty = {                                       // 6
            whenPresent = { location ->                         // 7
                addEntity(entity, location)


     * Finds an empty location within the given area (offset and size) on this [World].
    fun findEmptyLocationWithin(offset: Position3D, size: Size3D): Maybe<Position3D> { // 8
        var position = Maybe.empty<Position3D>()
        val maxTries = 10
        var currentTry = 0
        while (position.isPresent.not() && currentTry < maxTries) {
            val pos = Position3D.create(
                x = (Math.random() * size.xLength).toInt() + offset.x,
                y = (Math.random() * size.yLength).toInt() + offset.y,
                z = (Math.random() * size.zLength).toInt() + offset.z
            fetchBlockAt(pos).map {
                if (it.isEmptyFloor) {
                    position = Maybe.of(pos)
        return position

What we changed:

  1. We added the Engine to the world which handles our entities. We could have used dependency inversion here, but this is not likely to change in the future so we’re keeping it simple.
  2. Also added the Entities in the starting blocks to our engine
  3. Saved their position
  4. Added a function for adding new entities
  5. Added a function for adding an Entity at an empty position. This function needs a little explanation though. What happens here is that we try to find and empty position in our World within the given bounds (offset and size). Using this function we can limit the search for empty positions to a single level or multiple levels, and also within a given level. This will be very useful later.
  6. If we didn’t find an empty position, then we return with false indicating that we were not successful
  7. Otherwise we add the Entity at the position which was found.
  8. This function performs a random serach for an empty position. To prevent seraching endlessly in a World which has none, we limit the maximum number of tries to 10.

This was our biggest change so far but now we are able to add entities to our blocks and find empty positions within our World!

Updating our Game

Our Game object was relatively simple so far. It only took a World as a parameter in its constructor and we had a handy factory method for this which created a World for us. Now it will also take our player Entity we just created:


import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Player
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity

class Game(
    val world: World,
    val player: GameEntity<Player>
) {

    companion object {

        fun create(
            player: GameEntity<Player>,
            world: World
        ) = Game(
            world = world,
            player = player

World will also come from the outside, we remove the usage of the WorldBuilder from here. What we’re using here is called the Dependency Inversion Principle which is very useful for creating abstraction boundaries in our program.

The TL;DR for DIP is this: By stating what we need (the World here) but not how we get it we let the outside world decide how to provide it for us. This is also called “Wishful Thinking”. This kind of dependency inversion lets the users of our program inject any kind of object that corresponds to the World contract. For example we can create an in-memory world, one which is stored in a database or one which is generated on the fly. Game won’t care! This is in stark contrast to what we had before: an explicit instantiation of World by using the WorldBuilder.

It seems that we are going to need a class which encapsulates creating a new Game from scratch, and which can be used from all these views, the GameBuilder:


import com.example.cavesofzircon.GameConfig
import com.example.cavesofzircon.GameConfig.LOG_AREA_HEIGHT
import com.example.cavesofzircon.GameConfig.SIDEBAR_WIDTH
import com.example.cavesofzircon.GameConfig.WINDOW_HEIGHT
import com.example.cavesofzircon.GameConfig.WINDOW_WIDTH
import com.example.cavesofzircon.GameConfig.WORLD_SIZE
import com.example.cavesofzircon.attributes.types.Player
import com.example.cavesofzircon.extensions.GameEntity

class GameBuilder(val worldSize: Size3D) {          // 1

    private val visibleSize = Size3D.create(        // 2
        zLength = 1

    val world = WorldBuilder(worldSize)             // 3
        .build(visibleSize = visibleSize)

    fun buildGame(): Game {


        val player = addPlayer()

        return Game.create(
            player = player,
            world = world

    private fun prepareWorld() = also {             // 4

    private fun addPlayer(): GameEntity<Player> {
        val player = EntityFactory.newPlayer()      // 5
            player,                                 // 6
            offset = Position3D.create(0, 0, GameConfig.DUNGEON_LEVELS - 1), // 7
            size = world.visibleSize.copy(zLength = 0)
        )                                           // 8
        return player

    companion object {

        fun create() = GameBuilder(
            worldSize = WORLD_SIZE

Hey, what’s this also thingy? also here is a scoping function. You can read more about them here. The TL;DR is that also creates a scope where we can invoke functions on the scoped object (the new GameBlock here) and after that the scoped object is returned. This is very useful for initializing objects after creation as you can see here.

Here we:

  1. Take the size of the World as a parameter
  2. We define the visible size which is our viewport of the world
  3. We build our World here as part of the Game
  4. prepareWorld can be called with method chaining here, since also will return the GameBuilder object
  5. We create the player entity here since we’re going to pass it as a parameter to other objects
  6. We immediately add the player to the World which takes an offset and a size as a parameter
  7. offset determines the position where the search for empty positions will start. Here we specify that the top level will be searched starting at (0, 0)
  8. And we also determine that we should search only the throughout the viewport. This ensures that the player will be visible on the screen when we start the game

We also need to modify the constructor of our PlayView to not create a Game, but use our builder instead:


// ...

class PlayView(
    private val grid: TileGrid,
    private val game: Game = GameBuilder.create(),
    theme: ColorTheme = GameConfig.THEME
) : BaseView(grid, theme) {

Now if we run our program we’ll something like this:

Caves and Player

You might be thinking that we’ve written all this code for displaying a @ on the screen, but what we really did is the plumbing for our porcelain.


Well done! Now we have a Player and we’ve also laid the groundwork to add even more things to our game easily. In the follow up articles we’ll add player movement and also some player actions, like digging into our game!

Until then go forth and kode on!

The code of this article can be found in commit #4.

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